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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

These are some of the most common questions we receive from customers. We have created this FAQ page to help you find the answer to your questions. If you have a questions that is not listed here, please don't hesitate to visit our help desk and send us your question.

Q What is the best way to contact you if I have a question or comment?
A Send an email to QSTstaff@qualitysafetytraining.com. We will respond within one business day. If you call and we are unable to answer, please leave a detailed voicemail with your full name, phone number, and your student number (if you have one).
Q Who should receive Bloodborne Pathogens training?
A Any personnel that may be exposed to bloodborne pathogens or materials that may contain bloodborne pathogens must complete annual training according to the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen Standard.
Q Does your training meet OSHA requirements?
A Yes. Our online courses exceeds the requirements for Bloodborne Pathogens training established by OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1910.1030. Individuals working in a general industry position should take our 755 Bloodborne Pathogens course. OSHA does require some employees, such as employees working in healthcare settings, to receive additional training by their employer. Individuals requiring this additional level of training should take our 756 Bloodborne Pathogens in Healthcare Settings course.
Q What is the difference between your 755 and 756 courses?
A Our 755 Bloodborne Pathogens course is designed to help meet the needs of employees working in most general industry positions.

Our 756 Bloodborne Pathogens in Healthcare Settings course is designed to help meet the needs of employees working in a healthcare setting. This course is based on 755 Bloodborne Pathogens, but includes additional information on needlestick safety, universal precautions, laboratory safety, and more.

If you are not sure which course to take, please use our help desk to describe your situation and we will recommend the correct course for you!
Q How much time will I spend taking an online course?
A A typical student will take approximately 1 to 2 hours to complete the 755 Bloodborne Pathogens course and take the exam. Students taking the 756 Bloodborne Pathogens in Healthcare Settings course can expect to complete the course in 1.5 to 2.5 hours. Students with prior knowledge typically require less time to complete a course and take the exam.

Our courses are designed to give you the freedom of starting and stopping as often as you need to. There is no time limit to worry about.
Q How much does the online training cost?
A Access to our online training is completely FREE. There is absolutely no charge to take the course, access our study material, and take the exam. We do charge a very small fee to provide exam results and successful completion certificates and other official documents. Please visit our store to see the various documentation packages available.

We offer volume discount pricing for organizations needing to train large groups. If your organization has a large number of people requiring training, you can purchase a site license to train your entire group for a flat rate. Please contact us for a price quote.
Q How do I receive my exam results and official certification documents?
A After completing a course exam, you can purchase official documentation through your My Training page. Exams you have completed will be listed on this page. If you have passed the exam, a "Purchase Certificate" link will be displayed next to the respective exam. You can use this link to choose the documentation package that fits your personal needs. Once the payment process is complete, the exam score and a "Print Certificate" link will be displayed next to the exam. You can use this link to print or save your certificate IMMEDIATELY!

If you see a "Retake Exam" link, you did not meet our minimum score of 80%. As part of our service, we send all students an email with the questions missed. You should review the course content and retake the exam.
Q Why is your training less expensive than others?
A We believe the price we charge for our service is fair. By keeping our costs low, we are able to to pass our savings on to you.
Q Do you charge a shipping fee?
A No, our certificates are digital (PDF) and are delivered through our website. As a result, there is no shipping fee.
Q What is your refund policy?
A We do not issue refunds once a student has access to their digital certificate. Because students are not able to purchase a certificate unless they pass the course exam, issuing refunds is not necessary.
Q Is my credit card payment secure?
A Yes. All credit card transactions are done through a secure connection with PayPal. As a result, there is no risk to your credit card information. All transaction information is encrypted and cannot be intercepted.

This material is for training purposes only and is intended to inform the reader of occupational safety and health best practices and general compliance requirements and is not a substitute for provisions of the OSH Act of 1970 or any government regulatory agency. Copyright (C) 2007-2019 Quality Safety Training, a subsidiary of Geigle Safety Group, Inc.